REASON 1: You want to increase your chances to be accepted into a BS/MD program and be called "Dr." in your high school senior year.
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REASON 6: During the summer do know where your guidance counselor or college adviser will be? Will he/she be available to help you with your BS/MD Applications? Our camp is helpful to BS/MD applicants when your guidance and college counselors are on vacation.
REASON 2: After 12 years of hard work, including all those AP classes, volunteering, SAT prep courses, medical research, shadowing doctors and the dream of attending a BS/MD program, do you really want gamble with uncertainty?
REASON 3: The cost of a BS/MD education is approximately $500,000 (tuition, fees, and living expenses). BS/MD Application Boot Camp's fee of $10,000 is a drop in the bucket! Just think, if your child is rejected, you've saved $500,000. However, most parents want to increase their child's chances of getting into a BS/MD program rather than save $500,000!
REASON 7: Guidance counselors are overwhelmed! But you already know that! The National Association for College Admission Counseling reported in the Journal of College Admissions that "High school counselors with bigger and bigger caseloads have much more to do for college applicants, but little time". What we definitely know is that public high school guidance counselors even in affluent communities and college counselors at private schools don't have the time to micromanage your college application. We micromanage your application with follow up!
REASON 8: Do you want advice from leading admissions experts to increase your chances to be accepted to BS/MD programs? Okay, BS/MD admissions experts who are medical doctors and know what it means to stand out!
*Empowering you to Brainstorm, Tune-up and Polish your BS/MD Applications!*
REASON 5: Most high school junior-applicants to BS/MD programs sound exactly same! We help you "un-same" your application and student profile so that you are uniquely different!
REASON 4: You want to avoid making irrevocable mistakes on your BS/MD program application or even supporting documents! Because mistakes can cost you! We GUARANTEE that we will find multiple mistakes on your application and in your student profile that would cause you to be REJECTED!
Woodbridge: 203.387.1574 | Greenwich: 203.542.7288 | Manhattan: 212.829.4341 | White Plains: 914.705.5519 | Fort Lee: 201.490.1037
© 2023 Pinnacle Educational Center, LLC. All rights reserved. BS MD Application Boot Camp is a division of Pinnacle Educational Center Admissions Advisors Group